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Meeting on export of seabuck-thorn, apples from Ladakh held

Last Updated on December 23, 2021 at 6:21 pm

Secretary, Agriculture/Horticulture, Ravinder Kumar chaired an important meeting to review the export of agriculture and horticulture produce of Ladakh including sea-buckthorn and apples.

In the meeting, a joint action plan for the area expansion and improvement of the production of indigenous plants and fruits, including apricots, apples, and sea-buckthorn, and agriculture produce were discussed. Additionally, prospects for the export of buckwheat, vegetables, and pulses were also taken into consideration.

The officials of the concerned department briefed the Secretary on the challenges in the process of production, including codling moths that degrade the quality of apples, the need for drip irrigation, biofertilizers, and more. Speaking on the issue of codling moths, the Secretary directed that orchard sanitisation would be crucial while dealing with the problem which could otherwise negatively impact the export plans and affect brand values in the future.

The Secretary reiterated that Ladakh has the potential to become a major player in the export of quality products and asked the officials and entrepreneurs to develop a Strategic Action Plan within a week to help discern the areas where immediate action is required. He also urged the officials to resolve the issues submitted and raised by the entrepreneurs and exporters in the meeting on an urgent basis and conduct mass awareness campaigns and training programmes.