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Mutant variant of Covid-19 in UK: Impact seen in Ladakh as high level meeting convened

Chairman District Disaster Management Authority / District Magistrate Leh Sachin Kumar Vaishya convened a meeting in connection with the emergence of a new, mutated strain of the Coronavirus identified in the UK and to take necessary precautionary measures to detect and contain its spread here in Ladakh.

Additional District Magistrate Leh Sonam Chosjor, Medical Superintendent SNM Hospital Leh Dr. Norzin Angmo, Dy. Chief Medical Officer Leh Dr. Manzoor Ahmed, State Surveillance Officer Dr. Mohd Iqbal, Incharge District COVID-19 Surveillance Leh Dr. Tundup, Airport Director KBR Airport Leh Malkit Singh, and Incharge CISF KBR Airport Leh Sanket were also present in the meeting.

Based on a detailed deliberation regarding surveillance, sample testing, and institutional quarantine of inbound passengers, various directions were given to the concerned authorities.

He stressed to strengthen the COVID-19 surveillance at the KBR airport. With the sole intention of detection of the new mutation and its containment if any, direction was given to trace people with travel history to foreign countries in the recent past. Chairman Sachin told the stakeholders to ensure proper arrangement viz institutional quarantine, sample testing parameters along with a separate facility at the Covid-19 Mahabodhi Karuna Charitable Hospital.