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Name former Ministers, MLAs who encroached upon Govt land: Harsh Dev to admin

Last Updated on January 22, 2023 at 8:31 pm

Urging upon the Jammu and Kashmir government to make public the names of influential persons including Ex-Ministers/MLAs/MLCs/MPs who encroached state lands, senior AAP leader Harsh Dev Singh, sought exemplary punishment to all those who abused their position and authority to illegally usurp such lands and then get them regularized through their political clout.

He said that while instructions were required to be issued at all levels to ensure that the poor, marginalized and other landless were not harassed in conformity with the assurances given by the LG, the big fish who had illegally encroached huge chunks of government lands needed to be  booked and stringent exemplary action taken against them.

Singh said that the poor people were solely dependent for their survival upon their existing land holdings and evicting them would deprive them of their Right to livelihood as guaranteed to them under the constitution. He was addressing a public meeting in village Narsu of Chenani constituency today.