The makers of Jaideep Chopra directed “Sangeen” announced that Nawazuddin Siddiqui and his Sacred Games co-star Elnaaz Norouzi will be a part of it. The film will be shot in London and Mumbai and is set to release in January 2021.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui said that “Sangeen” is an unique film and he is thrilled to play such a though-provoking character. He said that he is looking forward to work once again with Elnaaz Norouzi after Sacred Games. Talking about the script, he said that it is an experimental one and expected that Jaideep Chopra will do full justice to it.
Iran-born actress said that she is honoured to reunite with Nawazuddin Siddiqui. She said that the movie has an incredible script and it is a role which she has always dreamt of playing as an actress.
Sangeen is produced by AK Projects and Golden Era Films jointly. Rapper Raftaar will be handling the film’s music. He said that he has never curated entire music for a film and he is excited for this novel task.