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Only economically weaker kin of victims to get jobs under new SRO-43 rules

Last Updated on November 1, 2021 at 1:58 pm

In a major step, government is looking forward for revising SRO-43 guidelines by excluding mandatory government job for the kin of officers/officials who die during service and civilians who are killed in militancy related incidents or cross-border shelling except the cases where families are economically very weak and unable to sustain without service. However, kin of martyrs from Army, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) and Jammu and Kashmir Police will be exempted from the new Policy and they will continue to get the jobs under SRO-43.

As per reports, new guidelines are likely to be implemented soon. Talks with the Central government wherein family conditions of the deceased official are assessed before taking a call on whether to give job to the next of his/her kin or not.

Government job will be mandatorily given to next of kin of martyrs of Army, para-military forces and Jammu and Kashmir Police. There will be no condition of examining family background in the case of martyrs and one of their family members will continue to get the government job.

Talking about Union Territory government officers/officials, the government is likely to make grant of job to one of their kin in case they die in service as “exceptional” and not “mandatory”.

Moreover, the financial condition of the family of deceased will be assessed. Only after assessing economic and financial condition of the family, the government will decide whether to give or reject job to next of kin of deceased. Similar will be the case with civilians killed in terror related incidents such as blasts, cross-firing as well as border shelling. Families will get cash relief but for government to their kin for that economic condition will be assessed.

Government is of the view that mandatory government job to kin of certain government officers/officials who die during their service or civilians killed in terror related and border firing incidents deprive other persons of the government jobs as their families are well off and have many other sources of livelihood, reportedly.
In such cases only where the families of deceased are economically sound, the government jobs will be denied while the families will continue to get ex-gratia relief etc as per the government rules.