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Pakistan agencies trying to push in more trained terrorists: DGP Dilbag Singh

Last Updated on October 30, 2023 at 7:38 pm

J&K DGP Dilbag Singh today said that bringing peace and tranquility was a challenging task, but protecting and maintaining it is even bigger challenge. He said that J&K Police has emerged a much stronger force with availability of greater resources and added that the resolve of the force is very strong to face any challenge which he said is very satisfying for him. 

Regarding the police officer injured in yesterday’s terrorist attack in Srinagar, he said that the officer had gone out and was playing in a cricket ground where he was shot at by a terrorist. He said that the officer is recovering. He cautioned by saying that threats are still around and added that we have to be very careful.

With regard to Line of Control and IB, the DGP said the arrangements are firmly in place adding that troops deployed on borders are having very high morale and are covering every inch of our land.

The DGP said that the day he visited Kupwara five terrorists were killed in an encounter and today another encounter is going on, updates of which are being collected, he added. Troops are firmly in control of the situation on the border and if you see this year most of the encounters have taken place on the Line of Control, he added.

Singh said that Pakistan agencies are attempting to push in more terrorists but our troops are alert and fully prepared to thwart the ill designs of the enemies. He said that most of the infiltrating terrorists were killed on the borders. The DGP said that the border security grid is very strong and the troops deployed would surely be able to take care of the borders, he added.

He said J&K Police has emerged as a stronger force with availability of greater resources and strong resolve to face future challenges . This was stated by Singh at a flag off ceremony at Armed Police Complex Zewan today in which a big fleet of operational and tactical vehicles was dedicated to J&K Police.

 Special DG CID J&K R.R Swain, ADGsP S.J.M Gillani, M.K Sinha and Vijay Kumar were among those present on the occasion.

During his address, the DGP appreciated ADGP (Hqrs) M.K Sinha and his team for their strenuous efforts in procuring these vehicles which he said would be very useful in strengthening the force further. He also thanked the Union Ministry of Home Affairs and UT Administration for their kind support to Jammu and Kashmir Police. He said among these vehicles majority are being provided to J&K Policemen fighting on anti-terror front who are working for security of the people of J&K.

He said that these vehicles are not just vehicles but have a huge role in protecting our personnel and strengthening the safe and secure environment which is why we call them “Rakshak”. Dents and damage marks on our vehicles which used to get targeted by misguided people as also by terrorists speak of the struggle and efforts put in by J&K Police in strengthening peace and tranquility in the UT, the DGP added.

The vehicles which were dedicated to the force included Isuzu Twairt/Shaurya Light Combat Vehicles, medium Leyland Combat Vehicles, Bolero Campers allotted to different special operations group units, police stations, and Battalions.  

 On the sidelines of the function, the DGP in his interaction with media said that dedicating these vehicles to the force is an important step to strengthen peace in UT.