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Pakistan claims Indian Brahmos missile entered its territory

Last Updated on March 11, 2022 at 4:37 pm

On Friday, Pakistan claimed that unarmed Indian missile landed on its soil. Pakistan is claiming that missile took off from Haryana and landed at a place 124 km within Pakistani territory on Wednesday evening.

As per reports, the matter is being looked into, but there was no response from either the Indian Air Force or the Ministry of Defence on the Pakistan claim. However, they indicated that a statement is likely to be issued by the evening.

Meanwhile, Pakistan summoned the Indian Charge d’Affaires over alleged violation of its airspace. Spokesperson for Pakistan Air Force Tariq Zia the object “was picked up at a high-altitude of 40,000 feet and was traveling at a speeding axis of Mach 2.5 and ultimately Mach 3.” He said the total distance it travelled inside Pakistan was 124 km, and from the total flight time of 6 minute 46 seconds till it hit the ground, it was in Pakistani territory for 3 minutes and 44 seconds.

“There were no human casualties. While there were no sensitive installations in the area where it landed, a wall did fall”, the Pakistan military said.

The description of the projectile by Pakistan matches that of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, which has been in service in India for years and is known for its high accuracy.