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Panel fails to submit recommendations, misses deadline

Last Updated on November 15, 2021 at 10:24 am

In a significant step, government of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory formed a panel for revisiting the Annual Performance Report (APR) guidelines. But the panel has failed to submit its recommendations to government and missed the deadline.

An order was issued by the General Administration Department; the committee headed by Principal Secretary Home to submit its recommendations keeping in consideration the existing guidelines in the J&K and the Government of India pattern on ACR rules.

The panel was asked to submit its recommendations by September 6, 2021 but till date it has not completed the task, reportedly. Moreover, the panel/committee has met only once so far as a result of which no serious discussion could be held.

Neither the government has asked or pressurized the committee to seek report despite being aware of the fact that there is a dire need to insert stringent provisions in the APR guidelines.

As per reports, the need to amend the APR guidelines was felt when government started implementing Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW) in respect of Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service (JKAS) officers, SPARROW developed by the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India, started demanding those details and information, which don’t find mention in the APR guidelines of J&K Government.

Keeping in mind the need of bringing APR writing guidelines at par with Government of India Rules there should not have been any delay on the part of the committee of bureaucrats in submitting the recommendations.