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Pending APRs of over 300 JKAS officers may invite disciplinary action

Last Updated on March 12, 2022 at 10:43 am

Annual Performance Reports (APRs) of 342 officers of Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service (JKAS) despite several instructions are pending for processing at various levels.

This is being seriously viewed and it has been made clear by the General Administration Department (GAD) that any variation now will invite disciplinary proceedings this time.
Timeline for processing of APRs were issued by GAD on July 6, 2021 for Initiating Authority which was September 30, 2021, for Reviewing Authority timeline was November 15, 2021 and for Accepting Authority the same was December 31, 2021 in respect of the members of Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service on J&K SPARROW (Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window) Platform for the Assessment Year 2020-21.

But, these timelines for processing of Annual Performance Reports by the Initiating and Reviewing Authorities were not strictly followed.

As per reports, on November 27, 2021, 94 APRs were pending for processing at Initiating Level, 387 at the Reviewing Level and 218 at the Accepting Level.

Government again issued fresh instructions on January 4, 2022 that pending APRs at the Initiating and Reviewing level shall be cleared by the concerned authorities within one week positively enabling the respective Accepting Authorities to record their remarks on the APRs within the extended timelines. despite the lapse of extended timelines, an appreciable number of APRs are still pending at the level of Initiating, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities . Still 32 APRs are pending for processing at Initiating Authority level, 76 at Reviewing Authority level and 234 at the Accepting Authority level.

Principal Secretary to the Government, General Administration Department Manoj Kumar Dwivedi has instructed these authorities to clear the pendency within three days failing which the APRs shall be “Force Forwarded” to the next authority and disciplinary proceedings will follow.