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Police finds credible evidence against four Kashmiri journalists in blog case

Last Updated on September 10, 2021 at 1:49 pm

Four journalists who were called for interrogation in Srinagar, police said that there are credible evidences which link them with the mastermind of the kashmirfight blog.

In a statement police spokesman said that while investigation the case FIR No. 82/2020 of Police Station Kothibagh, credible evidences were found which linked Mir Hilal of Bemina; Mohammad Shah Abbas of Yaripora, Anantnag, presently staying Rajbagh; Azhar Qadri of Bemina and Showkat Motta son of Lalbazar with the mastermind behind the blog.

Further spokesman said that on the basis of evidences collected, four different places were searched after obtaining proper search warrants. Police said that mobile phones, laptops and other gadgets were seized during the search.

Spokesman further added that investigation is underway and scrutiny of gadgets is being carried out.

IGP Vijay Kumar denied it to be an issue of harassing journalists and stated that due process of law is being followed while investigating a sensitive case.  He said that those involved would be arrested in this case as and when the evidences are collected.