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Police personnel likely to face action for involvement in criminal activities, 168 under radar in J&K

Last Updated on January 3, 2022 at 5:34 pm

In a major step after dismissing various officials from various departments by Jammu and Kashmir government who were involved in terror activities now its turn for police department officials.

Government has put around 168 personnel on radar for their involvement in some criminal or corrupt activities, Daily Excelsior reported.

Out of 168 personnel, only 7 belong to Jammu division while 161 are from Kashmir.

Investigations are further going on for seven police personnel of Jammu division which includes, 2 each from Jammu, Rajouri and Poonch while one from Kishtwar whereas 161 police personnel are from Kashmir. The cases of these police personnel are under probe out of which, two are in the rank of Inspectors, 11 Sub Inspectors and 49 Assistant Sub Inspectors, rest are in the ranks of Head Constables, Selection Grade Constables, Constables and Followers.

As per reports, each and every detail will be scrutinized of the police personnel and their track record will be examined and their role and performance if any, in subversive or terror activities will be looked into. There is a condition that the police personnel against whom action is proposed to be taken might have completed 22 years of service or attained 48 years of age, reportedly.

It is pertinent to mention that Jammu and Kashmir government since past few is acting tough on employees involved in any terror related activities and has sacked many government officials who were involved in terror activities directly/indirectly. The process is going on and more civil officials/officers are under the surveillance of the Intelligence agencies and their record/cases are being proved.

As per reports, this is for the first time that such a massive exercise has been taken by the Police Department to find out the police personnel who are involved in subversive/criminal/corrupt activities and any action can be taken soon.