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Poor being allegedly left out of ‘Ladli Beti Scheme’ due to red tapism in J&K

Last Updated on June 14, 2021 at 5:22 pm

J&K government sponsored scheme for new born girl child of UT of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh but people who are Below Poverty Line (BPL/PHH) are allegedly kept away from the benefits of Ladli Beti Scheme.

To avail benefits for this scheme, officers in ICDS wing of Social Welfare Department are still demanding State Subject (PRC) as well as Aadhar Card, Ration Card, income and date of birth certificates of the girl child from the ones who want to avail benefits out of this scheme.

As per reports, under the Ladli Beti Scheme the government deposits Rs 1000 every month in the bank account of the girl who is under BPL/PHH. When a girl turns 21, she gets Rs 5 lakh for her marriage. This scheme ensures financial support to the parents so that they can afford education and marriage expenses for their girl child.

Vinod Choudhary who is father of a poor girl told Daily Excelsior that to get benefits of Ladli Beti Scheme he has done a lot of efforts and visited government offices many times since past one and a half year for collecting documents. In difficult times of pandemic he managed to gather all the required documents and took them to the office of ICDS (SWD), but later officials demanded a State Subject certificate of the girl with other documents. 

Further he said that he was a West Pakistani Refugee and has no such certificate but has attached a Domicile certificate since now Jammu and Kashmir  is UT. Despite all the efforts no help was provided to him.

But it’s ironic that even as “government gave instructions not to demand PRC then why is it being asked?” questioned Vinod. He further said that he is disappointed with the system and no officials give a proper response nor help out.

Vinod said he also contacted the DC Jammu a few days ago who claimed that it was not centrally sponsored but J&K Govt Scheme.

“Clear instructions regarding this scheme are still awaited”, he said.

Vinod with losing all hopes said that innocent and poor people are being harassed and made to take rounds of the government offices. He further said that what is the need of making any schemes if in practical nothing comes in hand. “ Nobody stands with the poor and listens to their cries and neither helps” he said.

Another father Rajesh Kumar from Bishnah tehsil of Jammu said that the concerned officials rejected his file because he did not have PRC. Kumar said that officials were making a fool out of him and did not want to give the benefits so they are just making excuses. “Even though I have attached a Domicile Certificate, the officials did not bother to response”, said Kumar.  He further grieved that nobody is there to listen to them and help them out.