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Power outage in Jammu is an example of false promises by J&K government

Last Updated on June 12, 2021 at 11:50 am

Despite several promises made for the development of Jammu city and other parts of the region, people in the city are facing a tough situation in this hot weather. There are frequent power cuts in the Jammu region as the Power Development Department (PDD) is unable to provide adequate and uninterrupted power supply.

The newly developed J&K Power Development Corporation Limited (JKPDCL) and higher authorities in PDD made several claims and promises of providing uninterrupted power supply but it doesn’t seem to be that way. They claimed that continuous power supply will be provided to people in hot summer weather. But all such claims are proving false.

On March 6 2021, Principal Secretary of Power Development Department, Rohit Kansal had called a high-level meeting to review summer preparedness to make sure that reliable and uninterrupted power supply is given during the summer months.

Various short and medium term measures were discussed in the meeting for smooth and continuous power supply during these summer months.

As per reports, several ongoing projects delayed on account of legal, arbitration, and other issues were discussed. 

Also a meeting was held on June 5, to check the progress of the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) of the Power Department. The Principal Secretary was informed that for distribution projects which are implemented circle-wise and district-wise under CSS Rs. 1576.96 crore have been approved for rural system strengthening projects and Rs. 1538.98 crore have been approved for projects in urban areas.

Projects are included under Flagship CSS such as DDUGJY and IPDS and also special support to J&K under the Prime Minister’s Development Programme (PMDP). Creation of substations, growth and development of existing stations, new HT lines and various other developments comes under this project.