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Power shutdown in different areas of Jammu on April 17

Last Updated on April 16, 2021 at 8:14 pm

In order to carry out various upgradation/repair works, the power supply to Jhajjar Kotli, Dansal, Jindhrah, Battal Manwal, Surinsar, Kishenpur, Mansar and adjoining areas fed from 33KV Jhajjar Kotli line emanating from 132/33KV Grid Station Jhajjar Kotli shall remain affected on April 17 from 2 pm to 5 pm.

Similarly, the power supply to Malhori Jagir and its adjoining areas fed from 33KV Malhori Jagir line emanating from 132/33KV Grid Station Sidhra shall remain affected on April 17 from 11 am to 03 pm.