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Property registration through online mode in Jammu and Kashmir

Last Updated on November 25, 2021 at 7:17 pm

Registration of property online in Jammu and Kashmir can soon become reality as the revenue department is working in the direction.

In a meeting held recently under the chairmanship of Commissioner Secretary to Government, Revenue Department to review the implementation of state and district business reform action plan, registration of property online was also discussed.

It was stated that the National Generic Document registration System (NGDRS) is live for the UT of J&K which is developed and maintained by National Informatics Centre (NIC). The chair directed during the meeting that the NGDRS portal shall be integrated with the single window clearance portal of J&K (www.investjk,in) by NIC in consultation with SICOP by or before November 30 this year.

As the revenue record of only Jammu and Srinagar districts has been digitized for linking of the same with NGDRS portal. The chair directed that a team of officers of IGR, Div Com, NIC and administrative department be constituted for UAT and refining the process involved.

The team to be constituted for linkage of land records shall also work out the procedures of auto initiation of mutation proceedings in NGDRS portal in consultation with SDU NIC Pune.

However in a notification, Revenue department of J&K stated that the service of property registration and other documents including deeds, instruments among others will be done through portal.