Provisional Selection List-Cum-Allocation of Cadres for Class-IV posts under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2020 pursuant to Advertisement Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020.
The General Administration Department vide No. GAD/Mtg/RB-IV/50/2020 Dated 22.06.2020, forwarded a requisition for 8575 Class-IV posts pertaining to various departments for recruitment, in accordance with the provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Appointment to Class IV (Special Recruitment) Rules,2020 notified vide S.O.184 of 04-06-2020 read with S.O 193 dated 17-06-2020 and other relevant rules governing the subject.
Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) vide Advertisement Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020, advertised 8575 District/ Divisional / Union Territory Cadre Posts of Class –IV in Various Departments under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2020
Click on the link to read the list