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Quitting high-paying job, this Jammu youth started innovative Milk ATM

Last Updated on February 15, 2022 at 8:18 pm

With an interest in farming, Abhineesh Khajuria, 28 always intended to return to his hometown Jammu after leaving his high-paying job in Gurugram.

Covid lockdown along with an urge to work in the field of dairy farming made Khajuria leave his job and come back to Sohanjana near Satwari in Jammu where he lives.

It was not surprising for the family of Khajuria when he told about his dream of starting a dairy farm and opening milk ATMs in Jammu to his family as they were always aware of his desires.

The rollout of the dairy plant was well planned and in consultation with domestic as well as foreign experts.

“My father (a farmer) namely Kulbushan Khajuria was innovative and he did innovation in agriculture (exotic vegetables) and was accordingly awarded for his unique contribution in the concerned field. This was the motivation which always inspired me and circumstances also compelled me to return back home as the covid19 had shut everything and we were also working from home,” he Khajuria told Greater Kashmir.

He started the project with 100 cows and brought into use his own technical know-how of doing the business. Having gadgets like Total Mix Ration to prepare cattle feed and milk cooler, Khajuria introduced milk ATM for customers.  

Pre-paid cards were distributed to the customers so that they can easily take milk from the ATM. He says that at present milk ATMs have been instakked at Talab Tillo, Shakti Nagar, and last Morh in Gandhi Nagar but more machines are likely soon.