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Remote village in Udhampur district gets electricity after 73 years

Last Updated on February 3, 2022 at 9:53 pm

Power department claimed it to be a historic feet after electricity was provided to Saddal village of Panchari block for the first time after Independence of the country.

“A historic feat was achieved under the Power Sector in District Udhampur as the village Saddal of Block Panchari received electricity supply for the first time in 73 years of Independence” an official statement read.

The electrification work of the village was started after the local people of the village projected their grievance before Deputy Commissioner, Udhampur Indu Kanwal Chib during a Public outreach programme held at Panchari.

Meanwhile, to celebrate the historic moment with the villagers, BDC Chairman, Panchari Jeevan Sharma visited the village and congratulated the villagers on getting electricity supply for the first time. PRIs and Local people also thanked the District Administration for meeting their long pending demand.