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Rohit Kansal: Man who is taking Coronavirus head-on in JK

Last Updated on April 1, 2020 at 8:17 am

While the Coronavirus cases are increasing by the day in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, one civil servant – Rohit Kansal – is continuously formulating and implementing strategies on ground to deal with the menace.

Rohit Kansal – Principal Secretary Planning, J&K is not only keeping an eye on ever increasing cases of Coronavirus, he is also in consultation with the central government officials implementing the ways to contain the risk of disease.

Kansal is also keeping an eye on the aggressive tracking of the positive cases of Coronavirus and their contacts. The report is immediately sent to him regarding any new case of the disease in any part of the UT.

Who is Rohit Kansal

Kansal is an IAS officer who has worked at the position of senior officer in New and Renewable Energy ministry. He has also headed the office of P. Chidambaram, earlier Finance Minister of India. Kansal has also served as the Deputy Commissioner of terror infested areas of Jammu and Kashmir in the past.

He has also been the additional chief executive officer (ACEO) of the Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine (Board) at Katra, India. A management postgraduate from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kolkata and a mechanical engineer from the Thapar University in Punjab, Rohit Kansal is also the recipient of the Chevening Gurukul fellowship at the London School of Economics.

Rohit Kansal said, “government has stepped up testing process. It is the first to start testing locally through four testing labs with testing rate 77.5 per million next only to Kerala”.

Coronavirus cases in J&K

The cases of virus on Wednesday reached 62 in the UT as seven more cases were reported. After the Tablighi Jamaat event, many cases of Corovavirus have also come to the fore even in Kashmir and Jammu. Number of deaths due to Coronavirus in J&K stands at 2.