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Salaries of BDOs withheld due to poor performance in performing duties

Last Updated on May 11, 2022 at 10:05 pm

Taking strong cognisance of lackadaisical approach of some Block Development Officers in clearance of wage payments, Assistant Commissioner Development Doda Phulail Singh today ordered withholding of their salaries.

As per an order issued in this regard, the action has been taken after the BDOs, despite repeated instructions, failed to clear the wage payments from the level of signatory Ist and 2nd.

“The Block Development Officers who failed to get the wages paid under MGNREGA and showed dismal performance, are directed to initiate action against the delinquent officials and signatories for not performing their legitimate official duties. Further the salary of the said poor performing BDOs is kept withheld with immediate effect and with the directions to ensure the payment of delayed wages within two days” the order issued by the ACD reads.