The first two surgeries using navigation system and nerve monitor were performed on 19 February 2021, under the patronage of Principal and Dean Dr Shashi Sudan Sharma.
In the first surgery a 23 year old male patient, diagnosed with left sphenoidal polyp and maxillary sinusitis underwent FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) using navigation/ image guided system. Radiological assistance (in shape of CT scan performed in a special configuration of less than 1mm navigation compatible axial, coronal and saggital cuts) was provided by Deptt of Radiodiagnosis under supervision of Dr Kulbushan Gupta (HOD).

Performing FESS with the assistance of a navigation system is a safe way to treat patients with paranasal sinus and skull base pathologies and thus, reducing the risk of complications during these complex surgeries.
In an another surgery, a 38 year old male patient, diagnosed with left pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland underwent parotidectomy under the control of Facial Motor nerve monitor .
Motor nerve monitor is of utmost importance to conduct various surgeries including that involving parotid gland, thyroid gland and ear surgeries, including Cochlear implant surgery.
Motor nerve monitor will help ENT surgeons to identify, confirm, and monitor motor nerve function, and thus help reduce the risk of nerve damage during various complex surgical procedures.
With these upgradations, a new era of navigation and intraoperative nerve monitoring has started in the Deptt of ENT, SMGS, GMC, Jammu.
This addition of these instruments will be helpful in performing skull base surgeries, revision and complex FESS surgeries , recurrent parotid and thyroid tumors, cochlear implants etc.
Operating team included Dr Parmod Kalsotra ( HOD ENT), Dr Kamal Kishore, Dr Gopika kalsotra,Dr Anchal , Dr Arti, Dr Aditiya saraf, Dr Apurva, Dr Disha, Dr Pallavi and Dr Aabid.
Anaesthesia Team under supervision of Dr Smriti ( HOD anaesthesia) included Dr Renu, Dr Loveleen, Dr Amit and Dr Priya.
OT staff included Sister Pawan , Sister Saima , Sister Sheetu, Sister Veena, Sister Babli, Mr Sanjeev (N.O.), Mr Mathew (N.O.) and Mr Fazal (Anaesthesia technician).