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SSP reviews security arrangements ahead of religious festivities in Kishtwar

Last Updated on May 27, 2024 at 5:13 pm

The Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Kishtwar, Abdul Qayoom convened a comprehensive security and crime review meeting today at the District Police Lines Kishtwar. The meeting was held in preparation for the upcoming religious festivities and Yatras and was attended by Addl. SP Kishtwar, SDPOs, SHOs, IC PPs, IOs, and other senior officers.

During the meeting, SSP Kishtwar addressed several critical aspects related to crime prevention, investigation, and community safety. The primary objectives were as follows:

1. **Review of Recent Crime Trends:** A thorough examination of recent crime trends and statistics in the Kishtwar district was conducted to identify areas of concern.

2. **Progress in Ongoing Investigations:** The status of ongoing criminal investigations was reviewed to ensure timely resolution and justice for victims.

3. **Enhancing Community Policing:** Strategies to strengthen community policing and enhance public safety were discussed, with an emphasis on community involvement in maintaining law and order.

4. **Evaluation of Crime Prevention Initiatives:** The effectiveness of current crime prevention initiatives was assessed to optimize resources and improve outcomes.

5. **Combatting Drug Abuse:** Measures to tackle drug abuse within the district were deliberated, focusing on prevention, rehabilitation, and enforcement.

6. **Addressing Bovine Smuggling:** Strategies to curb bovine smuggling activities were reviewed, underscoring the need for coordinated efforts to combat this illegal practice.

7. **Anti-Militancy Operations:** Updates on anti-militancy operations and strategies were provided, highlighting the importance of vigilance to ensure the safety and security of the region.

It was emphasized that daily updates on these issues would be maintained through the E-beat book records, facilitating real-time monitoring and response.

SSP Kishtwar directed the participating officers to remain extra vigilant, strengthen nakas/checkpoints, and generate actionable intelligence to thwart the nefarious designs of anti-national elements. He further directed the officers to lead in conducting area domination/patrolling and speculative/specific CASOs in vulnerable areas/pockets.