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Swindler father-son dupe man of Rs 12 lakh, arrested from Punjab

Last Updated on December 25, 2021 at 5:07 pm

A written complaint was lodged in police station Reasi by one Ghulam Rasool that one Mohd Sharif alongwith his son Mohd Tariq has duped and took huge amount from applicant on pretext of construction of residential house.

The accused was working as contractor in Reasi area and after taking advance money of Rs 12 lakh from the applicant, the accused alongwith his family decamped and went underground.

After preliminary enquiry it came to light that the accused has also purchased building material from some shopkeepers of Reasi and cheated them by selling it elsewhere. He used to operate in similar manner in looting money from general public of Reasi.

On this case FIR no. 240/2021 U/S 420 IPC registered in police station Reasi and investigations started. 

“Police team swung into action, enquired from locals, neighbors and family members of the accused, but no clue found. Finally through reliable sources, the location of the accused was tracked in Punjab” a police spokesperson said. 

Sensing the gravity of the offence, Shailender Singh Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Reasi constituted a special team headed by an officer of Sub Inspector rank and sent the team to Punjab to arrest the accused immediately.

After liasioning with local police, both the accused Mohd Sharief and his Son Mohd Tariq were arrested from Ludhiana-Punjab when they were about to flee from there too.

The spokesperson said, “Accused Mohd Sharif is a habitual offender & notorious criminal of Babrota of Tehsil Rajgarh District Ramban. He is also involved in case FIR no.148/2011 U/S 420 RPC of Police Station Kishtwar for cheating and looting hard earned money of the common people and was still absconding in the said case FIR”.