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Transfer of teachers remains pending as DSE Jammu fails to follow its own circular

The Directorate of School Education Jammu (DSE) has failed in following its own circular which was issued by the administrative department for implementation of transfer policy for employees. As a result, hundreds of teachers serving in hard zone areas have to consistently wait without any success.

BK Singh, Administrative Secretary to Government School Education Department, issued a circular on 11 January 2021. This circular contained instructions for implementation of transfer policy for employees including Teachers, Lecturers, Zonal Education Officers and others of the School Education department.

The circular directed employees of the department to send their applications/representations to Director Jammu/Kashmir till 30th January in a prescribed format. Sources told that the department extended the last date of submission of applications two times from 31st January to 2nd February and then to 15th February.

A leader of the Teachers’ Union said that after applications were closed, both the websites of Directors and Director School Education Jammu should have shown tentative list but even after one month of closure of applications, there is no list uploaded on websites.

It was expected that once tentative list was uploaded, entire process of transfers of employees would have taken place then. DSEJ has not issued tentative transfer lists of the teachers so far. A teacher said that even though the department has transferred Lecturers, Masters and ZEOs but teachers have not been transferred for the last four years. As a result, many teachers are constantly serving in hard zone areas for more than seven years.

The teachers said that those who are serving in city areas have no problems with this lethargic functioning of the Directorate office but those who have been posted in hard zones and remote areas have to face difficulties. They said that they were hoping things will change during Lieutenant Governor’s rule but they haven’t changed so far. Teachers requested the Administrative Secretary and Lieutenant Governor MK Sinha to take cognizance of the matter.