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Tibetan refugees in Leh facing problems, LAHDC steps in to resolve issues

Last Updated on July 9, 2021 at 11:21 pm

The Chairman/Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC Leh, Advocate Tashi Gyalson, made an extensive tour to all the camps of Tibetan Sonamling Refugee Settlements in Leh.

The Tibetan community issued a statement stating that it is for the first time in their history that a chairman of LAHDC Leh has visited all the camps in Leh to listen to their grievances. 

Tibetan refugees in Leh of Ladakh

CEC Tashi Gyalson was accorded a traditional welcome at all the TR Camps. He reviewed grievances and listened to the demands of all the residents of TR Camps based in Leh. The local representatives of respective TR camps put forth various issues and made basic demands of the concerning settlements.

The main issues highlighted to the CEC included sufficient drinking water facilities, need for street lights, issuance of ration cards, private and community land issues, restoration of irrigation canals, renovation of community halls and the blacktopping of roads in the Tibetan settlement areas.

CEC Gyalson paid a visit to the monasteries of Rutok, Karma Dupgyud Choeling and Bon at TR Settlement Chogalmsar. He sought blessings from the monastic abbots and listened to the grievances of the concerned monasteries. He also visited Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Centre (Tibetan Medical & Astrology Institute) at Leh and took stock of the issues and concerns raised by the staff working at the MTK.

He also visited the office of Chief Representative Officer (CRO), Choglamsar, Leh, where he took stock of the status of Tibetan Community health care centre, Cooperative society and Community Television Network setup (Nyamdrel TV) centres based within the office compound. CEC Gyalson took note of the outreach of the Nyamdrel TV network, especially during the Covid pandemic time, in providing online classes through the local community network to the students and appreciated the concerned officials and teachers of TCV school for helping the affected students in filling the academics gap. 

CEC Gyalson evaluated the issues with an on-ground visit to the sites. He directed concerned District Officers and Executive Engineers of various departments to execute all the planned developmental works in all the Tibetan Refugee Settlements timely due to the short working season. He assured the residents of TR Camps that the pending developmental works would be completed soon in a phased manner. He also assured to take up the major concerns with the higher authorities for early redressal of the genuine issues faced by the Tibetan refugees in Leh.