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Tourism festivals overshadow education in J&K amid pandemic

Last Updated on January 27, 2022 at 5:02 pm

Due to the ongoing pandemic, students in Jammu and Kashmir have gone for online mode of education despite various difficulties but the administration continues to go ahead with its tourism promotion and other festivals.

It is irony that schools, colleges and the coaching centers have been asked not to hold offline classes, there are no such restrictions on tourism related festivals, as per Early Times.

Even on the day of lockdown on January 23, the government held a mega Shikara rally in the Dal Lake. Moreover, a few days earlier another such event was held in Budgam district where ATV rallies were held, in alleged violation of the Covid-19 protocol as prescribed by the Union Government.

The students have raised questions about why such festivals and tourism promotion are allowed and career of students is not taken seriously.

Observers said that it was unfortunate that the government is concerned about the festivities when the student community is badly affected due to the Covid-19 restrictions. A senior official said that hotels are being operated, festivals are held then why educational activities not allowed.
An official informed that education is at stake while online mode of education creates certain difficulties to go with but it is sad that administration welcomes festivals but not educational activities amid deadly spike in Covid-19 cases