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Want a vanity number for your vehicle? RTO invites applications

The office of Regional Transport Officer Kashmir as per an official communique has informed the general public that the new Series JKO1AP for Registration of Vehicles will start from 26 May, 2021. 

“In this regard, all the desirous applicants are required to submit their applications for Vanity numbers, (Notified by Government Vide Order No:-19- TR of 1999 dated 26-03-1999 & Transport Commissioners order No. 13 of 2008 dated 07-05-2008) along with the registration files of their vehicles (only approved by the Empowered Standing Committee, (ESC) of UT Transport Authority, J&K to the Regional Transport Officer, Srinagar immediately” an official statement read. 

If only a single application is received for any particular Vanity Number, the Number, will be issued or `first come first serve basis. In case more than one file is received, the vanity/special registration number will be put to ore, auction and the highest bidder will have the claim on that particular registration Number.