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What made the famous pizza brand Domino’s apologize Indians?

Last Updated on February 9, 2022 at 2:19 pm

After the controversy triggered due to social media posts of famous pizza chain Domino’s over hurting the emotions of Indians, Domino’s issued a public apology. The social media posts made by the business associates in Pakistan have given a rise to controversy.

Domino’s have apologized over a post made by its Pakistan arm on social media that expressed solidarity with Kashmir. After the outrage over the issue, Domino’s had to face tweets regarding bycott on twitter handles.

Domino’s India tweeted, “This is the country we have called our home for the last 25 years, and we stand here to protect its legacy forever. We respect and honour everything the country has to offer”.

Further statement read that they regret and apologise for the unsolicited social media post published on Domino’s social media handles outside the country.

Domino’s had joined the list of global firms – Hyundai, KFC, Pizza Hut, Toyota, Suzuki that have apologised for posts on social media made by their business partners in Pakistan on Kashmir Solidarity Day. The social media posts had to face an outrage in India with users on Twitter calling for a boycott of products by these companies.