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Whats cooking? LG Ladakh and J&K meet Defense Minister Rajnath Singh

Last Updated on June 20, 2021 at 7:30 pm

The Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh RK Mathur met Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in New Delhi today.

LG Mathur expressed gratitude to the Minister for approval of the construction of Shinku la tunnel, an approximately 4.5 km stretch, which will enable all weather connectivity between Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh.

The Lieutenant Governor stated that the assistance provided by the Indian Air Force (IAF) in airlifting patients, winter essentials, passengers and medical equipments, especially during COVID has been noteworthy and thanked the Minister for the same.

During the meeting, the Lieutenant Governor put forth requests for recruitment of eligible Ladakhi’s in the IAF and the Navy. Further, he requested for Air and Navy wings of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) and sanctioning of a new battalion of Ladakh Scouts to boost employment.

The Lieutenant Governor urged Rajnath Singh for the armed forces’s assistance in achieving the Carbon Neutrality goal in Ladakh to achieve the PM’s vision.

Earlier in the day, LG of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha also met Rajnath Singh.