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With Elon Musk as boss, can Twitter change blue badge rules?

Last Updated on October 28, 2022 at 2:02 pm

With Elon Musk taking control of the micro blogging website Twitter there are apprehensions that rules regarding getting a blue badge might change for users.

Soon after taking over the Twitter, Elon Musk dismissed Indian origin executives including Chief Executive Parag Aggarwal and legal affairs and policy chief Vijaya Gadde.

There are apprehensions that the blue badge policy might also change with change in top leadership of the Twitter.

At present there are no rules regarding the number of followers before the social networking platform grants a blue badge or verification tick. A person should hold a position of authority or importance to get a blue badge.

A person can be a political leader, journalist, social worker, government official among other to apply for verification or blue tick on Twitter. The platform verifies the credentials by asking for documents and important links of website where the person has featured.

During the recent past, Twitter had opened its verification process that was closed for a long time. However it granted thousands of blue badges that, some claimed, reduced the individuality of the verified accounts.

However as Elon Musk has taken over the reins of Twitter, it is believed that the granting of blue tick will also take a hit as it seems that Musk only means business and nothing more.