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Women helpline number receives more than 1 lakh calls of domestic violence, eve- teasing in past 8 years in J&K

As many as 1.26 lakh calls were made in Jammu and Kashmir in past eight years to 181 Women’s Helpline number. As per reports, a total of 1,26,457 calls have been made to the 181 hotline.

Regular calls were made for quarrels, sexual assault, dowry violence, child sexual assault, domestic violence faced by women in Kashmir. Maximum calls were made for abuses, dowries, and domestic violence. As per officials, the caller is connected with local Police that takes prompt action in dowry instances.

As per the figures, Jammu and Kashmir have witnessed an increase of 10 percent in crime against women in the last year. According to the data, in 2021, 3873 crimes against women were registered and in 20 the number was 3517 in 2020.

Rape cases which were registered last year were 326 while abduction cases were 963 in 2021 registered by police. 1849 occurrences of molestation were reported in 2021. There has been more than 44 percent surge in deaths due to dowry in J&K in last year, reportedly.

Over the past year, spouses’ cruelty increased by more than 30 percent. As per Police official, distressed women also go to women’s police stations for assistance.

Official said that they have female police stations that are allowed to record and look into every case of crime against women. According to the legislation, female officers of the law seal each case,” the official said.