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Young girl from Kashmir crafting her art into successful business

Last Updated on February 8, 2022 at 7:37 pm

The spirit of innovation seems to burn bright in Kashmir as a young girl from Srinagar has turned her artistic skills into business. Tuba Nasiem who is a B-tech has created a business from her art. Art comes in many forms and skills using brushes, paints, colors and many such things but Tuba chose an innovative idea by doing paper art.

As she is not from an art background neither took any professional training for the same, Tuba learnt her art journey through YouTube tutorials. Tuba told Greater Kashmir that she was though busy with her studies but always had zeal to do something in art. She further added that she wanted to do something different from other forms of art that is the reason she chose paper art.

She further added that she started to learn few years ago and after she slowly took the step as people usually buy paintings, calligraphy, and other well-established forms of art, she had to make people familiar with this paper art and she further added that she took the help of social media platform and opened her studio with the name ‘Paper City’.

Tuba now makes portraits, 3D designs, Logos, gifts, home decor to designing names on paper, her art has amazed everyone around.

Though initially she had to face many difficulties in finding customers and started with her close friends and relatives. She also started sharing her art on social media which helped her to find many new customers who liked her art.

“I start with quilling art. It is a kind of art where strips of paper are used to make different decorative things. Then I chiseled my expertise in paper cutting art. It is also paper art but here you use full sheets of paper and cut out detailed designs on them. It is very detailed work and needs a lot of patience, “Tuba said.

Tuba further said that her family, friends were very supportive despite her venturing into a field that was new to her. It was Tuba’s passion for paper art that helped her start her entrepreneurial journey. She is now delivering people’s art pieces online and people are also visiting her studio to buy her art pieces.