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15 maize shellers, 20 paddy threshers given free of cost by Govt in Kupwara

Last Updated on December 2, 2021 at 7:17 pm

The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal on Thursday inaugurated Farm Machinery distribution camp held at Sub Division Tangdar, Kupwara.

Speaking on the occasion, the Director said that Agricultural mechanization helps in increasing production through timely farm operations and ensuring better management of inputs. He also said that Mechanization enhances productivity and reduces drudgery associated with various farm operations.

15 maize shellers and 20 paddy threshers were distributed free of cost among the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) of the sub division. Besides other machinery items were also provided to the farmers in order to promote farm mechanization in this far flung area.

The Director impressed upon the officers to utilize their special skills to familiarize the farmers regarding modern trends and technologies being adopted worldwide to increase their income so that the socio economic condition of the farmer improves.