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Ex AEE, Executive Engineer, contractor arrested in ‘street lights’ scam in Kashmir

Last Updated on October 20, 2020 at 5:41 pm

Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested Mohammad Yousuf Bhat, the then Assistant Executive Engineer, Gulam Nabi Ganaie, the then Executive Engineer, and Rafiq Ahmad Lone (Contractor), in Case FIR No. 32/2010 registered in P/S ACB Kashmir, under section 5(2) of J&K P.C Act Svt.2006 r/w sections 5(1)(c), 5(1)(d), 409, 468, 471 and 120-B RPC.

The instant case was registered on the outcome of a verification conducted by ACB South Kashmir.

During investigation it was found that  these accused public servants have abused their official position in league with the accused contractors by virtue of misappropriation of funds meant for execution of work “Providing and fitting of Street Lights” in Kulgam, town by the officials of R&B Special Sub-Division Kulgam in the year 2004-2005.

It was found that for 21 works (both Civil and Electric), accused engineers of Sub-Division Kulgam, abused their official position and hatched a criminal conspiracy with Mashooq Ahmad Khan, Nayees Ahmad Lone, Rafiq Ahmad Lon and Arshid Hussain Deen (the contractors) and in furtherance of criminal conspiracy, executed these works on manipulated allotment orders purportedly issued by the then Executive Engineer (R&B) Electric Division, Kashmir in the year 1999 on highly exorbitant rates.  

It was further revealed during investigation that the expenditure of Rs 69,60,120 was fraudulently shown against actual expenditure of Rs.50,94,868 incurred and drawn by these accused public servants in league with the contractors and as such caused huge loss to the state exchequer.

The investigation of the case is complete and soon charge-sheet to be filled before the competent court.