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Amid demand to rename SKUAST- Jammu in his name, admin pay tributes to Bawa Jitto

Last Updated on November 27, 2021 at 8:06 pm

An impressive tribute paying function was today organized in the premises of Krishi Bhawan, Talab Tillo  to pay homage to Bawa Jitto (Baba Jit Mal Dev ji Maharaj) – a legendary saint farmer of the area who made a supreme sacrifice about 650 years ago for rights and justice of the farmers.

Department of Agriculture Jammu paid rich tributes to this epitome of farming community and saluted his courage against injustice and suppression by the landlords of that time. The programme is organized jointly by the All J & K Agriculture Employees Association, Drivers Union and staff of the Directorate of Agriculture every year after the annual Jhiri Mela.

Director Agriculture Production & Farmers’ Welfare Jammu, K. K. Sharma on the occasion said that all of us should get inspiration from his life and work to contribute for the betterment of the farming community. He recalled Baba Jitto’s supreme sacrifice for the farming community. Senior officers of the Directorate of Agriculture, retiree officers and Staff of the department participated in the programme.

A special adoration and worship was performed on the occasion which was followed by distribution of Prasad and Bhandara.

Meanwhile there is a growing demand of renaming SKUAST- Jammu in the name of Bawa Jitto.