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Z-Morh, Zojila tunnel, Baramulla-Gulmarg Road projects reviewed

Last Updated on November 27, 2021 at 8:10 pm

The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Pandurang K Pole today chaired a meeting to review the physical progress of major developmental projects including Z-Morh & Zojila, AIIMS,   roads executed by NHIDCL & NHAI in Kashmir Division. 

The meeting deliberated over the issues of Z-Morh & Zojila tunnels, Baramulla-Gulmarg Road, Semi- Ring Road, Construction of emergency Landing Facility and AIIMS Awantipora.

During the meeting the concerned officers of NHIDCL, NHAI and others gave Power Point  Presentations of  physical  and financial status of their respective projects including expected date of completion of the projects and also flagged the pending issues.

On the Occasion, the Divisional Commissioner directed NHIDCL officers to prepare a month wise schedule of work to be executed at  Z Morh tunnel as the project is expected to be completed six months before the due date. 

He also directed ADC Ganderbal  to complete the land acquisition and mutation process for creeper lane, viaduct location, disbursement of funds for tress, structures   muck dumping,  besides  directed KPDCL officers for shifts of electrical utilities 33kv.

While reviewing the progress on Zojila tunnel, he directed the preparation of a plan to put 100%  men and machinery on work during the winter. On the occasion, NHIDCL flagged two issues including working permission BRO Bypass and disbursement of compensatory funds by CALA.