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Bagh-e-Bahu in Jammu upgraded at a cost of Rs 5.96 crore

Last Updated on March 3, 2022 at 8:31 pm

Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta, today inaugurated upgraded facilities at Bagh-e-Bahu garden raised with an amount of Rs 5.96 crore.

The up gradation works done in the garden included construction of upper entry gate, erection of grill fence, installation of aquatic multiple cascades, development of children corner and construction of shed, construction of vertical garden, installation of solar substation, landscaping, construction of tanks and drilling of bore wells.

Chief Secretary visited the garden and inspected the facilities being made available there for the visitors by the administration.

During discussion with the officers, Chief Secretary asked for launching online ticketing facility for Bagh-e-Bahu in Jammu and Tulip Garden at Kashmir. He asked the department for installation of scanners for quick admission of visitors in these parks besides developing online ticketing system for parking of vehicles.

Chief Secretary called for integration of Bahu Fort Temple, Bagh-e-Bahu aquarium and Bagh-e-Bahu garden as a single unit. He directed for plantation of seasonal flowers in the garden besides asking for combating monkey menace from the area with the help of Wildlife department.

Taking notice of poor condition of road leading to the garden, Chief Secretary directed the officers for repairing the vital connectivity at the earliest.