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Bird flu scare at Gharana wetland in Jammu, testing conducted

Last Updated on February 2, 2022 at 6:27 pm

As a large number of migratory birds have assembled at Gharana wetland in Jammu, there is a bird flu scare due to which samples have also been collected by Wildlife Department of Jammu.

Gharana wetland wlong Indo-Pak border in Jammu becomes a home to thousands of birds who come from Central Asia and Siberia among other places. There is always a threat of bird flu when such a large number of birds from different regions assembly at a same place.

Gharana being in the mid of farmlands also provide food and water to these birds. “The Wildlife Department has collected samples to test if there was bird flu among these birds” said an official at Gharana.

Last year there were cases of avian flu among birds at Gharana wetland due to which vigil has been increased even this time.