The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has pointed out problems with functioning of Treasuries and management of bank accounts in J&K government departments. It has also called for strictly following instructions for streamlining funds utilization.
CAG’s latest report states that in 2018-19, administration received late accounts from eight Treasuries (Ladakh Division) from eight days to 59 days for first list of payment. For second list of payments, Treasuries sent late accounts ranging between nine days to 59 days.
CAG noted that they could compile Monthly Civil Accounts late because of this delay in the submission of initial accounts. The report mentions that when inspection of Treasuries/Sub-Treasuries was carried out by the office of the Accountant General (A&E) then it became known about excess payment of Rs 61.90 lakh (Kashmir Rs 39.27 lakh and Jammu Rs 22.63 lakh) because of reasons like early restoration of commutation, full payment of Family Pension to both wives of the pensioner and wrong pay fixation by the Treasury.
Out of total excess payment of Rs 57.43 lakh in 2017-18, Rs 7.84 lakh (Jammu Division) out of Rs 9.39 lakh were recovered by the concerned Treasury Officer. CAG recommended that control at the level of Treasury Officer should be toned up for pension-related payments.
Upon finding non-reimbursement of pension by Pay & Accounts Offices/Defence/Railways, CAG said that adjustments can be made to all those transactions which are adjustable by the PAO/Defence. Treasuries paid Rs 292.34 crore, Rs 13.94 crore, Rs 5.20 crore and Rs 3.57 crore on behalf of the Central Pension Accounting Officer, Controller of Defence Accounts, Controller of Defence Accounts, Northern Command and Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer (FA&CAO) Northern Railways respectively.
CAG said that government departments which are involved in this matter should be actively pursued since huge amounts are reimbursable to the State.
CAG issued instructions that all Government bank accounts of DDOs which don’t have any balance on the date of issue of instructions and were not functioning for more than two years should be closed immediately. Moreover, all Government bank accounts of DDOs which are not functioning for over two years and have balance will also be closed and all deposits in these bank accounts will be transferred to the official bank account of the Finance Secretary, Government of Jammu and Kashmir.