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Codling moth menace in Ladakh: Secretary, Agriculture reviews action

Last Updated on March 26, 2021 at 5:01 pm

Secretary, Agriculture/ Horticulture, Ravinder Kumar today reviewed the actions taken by the District Administration and concerned departments to control the Codling moth.

The officials informed Secretary Ravinder of the management strategies, including mass awareness campaign on physical /cultural /mechanical methods, burlap, installation of pheromone traps (1/2 traps/acre), installation of pheromone traps for mass trapping (1/2 traps/tree), pheromone dispensers, use of light traps, to control the moth. The officials also apprised Secretary Ravinder of biological methods to control the moth.

 While discussing the schedule of the action plan, the officials informed Secretary Ravinder about their plans to conduct awareness programmes, study the behaviour, life cycle, ecology and technical know-how about identifying target windows or sites for the effective management of the pest.

The officials also shared about field surveys for identifying hot spots of pest infestation in the district, procurement of machinery and other tools and materials to prepare for the implementation of different management strategies during the season.

During the meeting, the officials informed Secretary Ravinder about the constitution of a committee in Kargil comprising scientists from SKUAST and KVK. They further informed the Secretary about conducting camps to raise awareness among farmers. The concerned officials also apprised Secretary Ravinder of the folders and pamphlets prepared by them on codling moth.

 Secretary Ravinder impressed upon the officials to start the action plan by April 1. He also directed the concerned officials to begin all the planning and work. He exhorted the officials to prepare a communication and awareness plan to sensitise the farmers about controlling codling moth in both districts.

 Deputy Commissioner/CEO Leh; Director DIHAR; Associate Director, SKUAST, Leh; Chief Horticulture Officer,Leh/Kargil and Chief Horticulture Officer, Leh /Kargil attended the meeting.