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Colleges and universities in J&K to re-open after 100 percent vaccination of students: Govt

Last Updated on August 28, 2021 at 3:12 pm

Lt Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha has categorically stated that higher education institutions will re-open only after 100 percent vaccination of students and teachers.

“With an improved Covid scenario and 100% vaccination among students and teachers, we can plan gradual reopening of higher education institutions”, said the Lt Governor during a weekly meeting on pandemic.

“Covid-19 threat is not over yet. We need strong cooperation from the society to prevent the threat of third wave. This is the top priority of the government”, observed Manoj Sinha while chairing weekly meetings with Covid Task Force, DCs and SPs at Raj Bhavan here.

During the meeting with the DCs and SPs, the Lt Governor directed the officials to take strict action against Covid-19 protocol violators as per provisions of Disaster Management Act.

He said that targeted testing must be increased in the areas where infection is on the rise. The cases are preventable if people adhere to Covid protocol. The Lt Governor passed specific directions for holding special camps to vaccinate college and university students.

He further asked the officials for dedicated focus on 100% first inoculation of the 18-44 age group, besides timely 2nd dose of the targeted population. The Lt Governor directed the DCs, SPs to ensure that restrictions on the public gatherings shall continue, besides taking strict measures to avoid crowding at public places.