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Frozen vacancies in education department worsens job scenario in J&K

Last Updated on October 25, 2021 at 11:08 am

A major challenge has come forward for the school education department due to the frozen vacancies and not been able to give jobs to unemployed educated youth for the past many years now.

As per Greater Kashmir, due to the current situation in the department there will be no jobs available for almost 10 years now.

To an utter shock, school education department has not looked for any recruitment agency for any vacant teaching and non-teaching posts since past three years. The reason behind this is that all the vacancies have been frozen at the time of transition of erstwhile SSA teachers as Grade II and Grade III teachers in the school education department.

An official said that the frozen vacancies was a major challenge for the government because the move has left the offices at zonal and district level defunct due to the dearth of the clerical or ministerial staff. Official further added that the posts are vacant but are utilized to draw the salary of Grade II and Grade III teachers but the work in offices is hit badly.

Official said that freezing of non-teaching posts has also badly affected the work in offices due to non availability of staff.