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Health experts warn that covid situation in Jammu can turn more serious

Last Updated on April 29, 2021 at 6:57 pm

Medical health experts have warned the government that since Jammu is densely populated so it needs more focus towards fighting the second wave of Covid-19.

Senior officials said that Jammu is densely populated. Residential colonies have houses which are built next to each other and hardly have space between them. Experts said that droplets containing virus remain hanging in air for around two to eight hours. So in regions where houses are built more sparsely witness less amount of infections.

However, in cases where houses are built close to each other, infection spreads at a comparatively higher speed like in congested cities of Delhi and Mumbai.

Experts suggested that people should try to wear three-layer mask so that chances of spread of infection are very less even if infection droplets are suspended in the air. They also suggested government to ensure that sufficient resources are available in coming months.

Data suggests that there will be more cases in coming weeks in Jammu. Authorities must ensure sufficient number of beds and oxygen facility for critical patients. Srinagar has a super-speciality hospital like SKIMS Soura which Jammu lacks.

He said that SKIMS Soura was built in Srinagar in 1980s but Jammu district does not have any such specialized facility yet. Government must focus on improving medical facilities in Jammu. India has witnessed highest ever daily covid case count in the world recently when daily cases crossed 3 lakh mark. The nation is consistently registering over 3 lakh cases per day for quite some time now.

Health experts have apprehensions that this situation can turn even more serious in coming few weeks. Government authorities in Jammu must be extra-cautious in dealing with this deadly virus.