All district and Subordinates offices shall work with staff strength of 50% and rest shall work from home. The HODs shall prepare a roster for the respective office. This shall not be applicable to the offices providing essential services and officers on COVID-19 duty. All District Officer are advised to conduct meetings through Video Conferencing and ether modes of virtual meeting.
‘There shall be strict night curfew from 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM throughout the dstrict. Non-essential services shall not be allowed during this period without and prior permission from the office of deputy commissioner will be required.
People who are under home quarantine shall strictly follow the COVID ‘SOPs/Guidelines issued by the MHA, MoH, GOL and UT administration Ladakh from time to time. Action against violators shall be initiated under Disaster Management Act. 2005 and Section-188 of Indian Penal Code, 1860,
There shall be suspension of class work in Polytechnic, and other Institutions imparting skill training till 15-05-2021. They shall adopt online classes.
Dining places in hotels and restaurants shall work with 5O % capacity and they should encourage Home Delivery Service.