The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has detected a case of impersonator who was trying to gain access to the exam on behalf of someone else.
JKSSB is conducting Computer Based Test (CBT) Examination for 30 posts of Assistant Compiler (Divisional Cadre) & Care Taker (UT Cadre) at various Examination Venues/Centres in Srinagar, Budgam and Baramulla districts.
The CBT is being conducted from 20.12.2021 to 12.01.2022 in multi sessions and 69789 unique candidates are schedule to take the CBT examination. Out of which 16239 candidates have already undertaken the CBT Examination upto 29.12.2021. The invigilatory / supervisory staff, while exercising vigil detected 1 case of impersonation.
The impersonator tried to gain access into the examination venue and was immediately isolated and was not allowed to leave the examination centre till completion of the written test.
The JKSSB has decided to debar the candidate on whose behalf the impersonator tried to gain access into the examination venue, from participating in the JKSSB examinations for 5 years in pursuance of Section 27(g) of the Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board (Conduct of Examination) Regulations, 2013 after completion of necessary formalities.
“The candidate found indulging in impersonation is being crossexamined/ probed and JKSSB contemplates to initiate appropriate legal action against the said candidate, if deemed necessary. The Board appreciates the efforts and extra vigil exercised by the invigilatory staff and has decided to suitably acknowledge their contribution in strengthening the endeavour of the JKSSB in ensuring fair and transparent conduct of Examination” an official statement by JKSSB read.
“Further, all the candidates who are scheduled to appear for the aforesaid posts from 30.12.2021 upto 12.01.2022, are cautioned to desist from indulging in such malpractices as strict action shall be taken against erring candidates by the JKSSB including debarring of such candidates for appearing in future
examinations to be conducted by JKSSB” the statement read..