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Jammu receives 100 times more tourists than Kashmir, documents reveal

Last Updated on February 15, 2021 at 7:51 pm

Recent data suggests that tourists are finding Jammu region a far safer place to visit than picturesque Kashmir valley. Official document reveals that since August 5, 2019 when erstwhile state was bifurcated into Union Territories, Jammu has received 100 times more than that of Kashmir Valley.


Since the fateful day of August 5, 2019, while Kashmir has been visited by 84,326 tourists, Jammu has been visited by around 88 lakh tourists which is more than 100 times more. These figures reveal that Jammu region has a tremendous tourism potential and can become a centre for major tourist attraction. There have been many times when people praised Jammu for its hospitality and safety it provides to visitors.

Even PDP President, Mehbooba Mufti, praised Jammu as the chief minister in the year 2017. She said that tolerance shown by people of Jammu is praise-worthy and people of Kashmir Valley should seek inspiration from the region to love and live with fellow human beings. She said that when one reaches Jammu, they feel a sigh of relief within. There is no fear and danger to anyone in Jammu. Everyone can troll around in Jammu’s markets without any fear. She also hailed Jammu’s rising education sector.

The then chief minister of the erstwhile state also said that she was amazed to see Kashmiris roaming free in the Jammu markets and students from Valley seeking coaching there. She said that she saw girls with headscarves walking fearlessly towards the tuition centres and pheran clad Kashmiris happily moving around the markets of Raghunath Bazaar. Kashmiris even go out to watch movies in theatres.

Mufti also heard azaan along with the hymns of temples and gurduwaras in Jammu. She describes Jammu as a model for a pluralistic society and need of the hour. As more tourists are visiting Jammu, it will also boost the region’s economy and provide employment to locals. The government must improve infrastructure of tourist destinations in the region as it will attract more tourists.