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J&K Govt claims it has adopted 5 pronged strategy to contain Corona

Intensifying its efforts against the spread of Covid-19 virus government today stated that it is working on a 5 pronged strategy to contain the spread of corona virus in J&K.

These remarks were made in a press conference called today at the auditorium of department of Information and Public Relations. Financial Commissioner, Health and Medical Education, Atal Dulloo; Principal Secretary Information & PDD, Rohit Kansal; Secretary DMRR&R, Simrandeep Singh and Mission Director NHM, ChoudharyYasin briefed the media during this press conference.

Financial Commissioner, H&ME, Atal Dulloo expressed that the situation is challenging but not out of control. He said that J&K has made ample preparations to meet the challenge. He gave out that the department is working on a 5 pronged strategy to restrict the spread of virus.

Elaborating, Atal Dulloo said that Intense testing including that of travellers and others suspects is being done at a rapid pace followed by containment process that includes contact tracing and several restrictions are in force. He said that Isolation & Treatment of infected persons is part of this strategy besides following Covid appropriate behaviour strictly. He expressed satisfaction that unlike previous year, this year there is one more weapon in their arsenal that is the covid vaccine.

Providing details Dulloo said that we have 13,400 active cases with a good recovery rate of 89.6% and mortality rate of just 1.38%. He said that there are around 120 containment zones and effective mechanism of contact tracing in place. He made out that some 1,64,000 contacts were traced this year with all the required restrictions applied to contain the spread of this disease.

Dulloo said that facilities available with the department are satisfactory with 3 state of the art Cobas-6800 testing machines to be installed in our premier health institutes shortly. He gave out that there are some 600 covid dedicated ventilators around J&K with only 48 occupied currently. He said that 6000 category-I covid beds are available with the hospitals including 10000 bulk oxygen cylinders and 3500 medium sized cylinders. He gave out that government is in a process of installing 36 oxygen generation plants with 23 to be made functional at the end of the week that will help in adding 2000 more oxygen beds to our kitty.

Regarding the position of other logistics it was given that sufficient numbers of PPE kits, N-95 Masks, Viral Transport Mediums (VTMs) are available with the department and there is no dearth of the same. He asked the media to play a vital role of assisting them in spreading the awareness to the people thereby helping in saving the lives. He asked them to inform people about the advantages of observing the covid appropriate behavior and going for vaccination whenever they are asked to do so.

When asked about the availability of the vaccine he said that department is continuously receiving the tranches of vaccine as per their requirements. He said that currently more than two lakh doses are available and the supply is going on satisfactorily.

Dulloo said that all the necessary steps would be taken to ensure safety of each individual besides better treatment of the persons affected. He said that more than 17 lakh doses have been inoculated till date with 91,142 (74.56%) health care workers, 2,61,589 (77.51%) front line workers and 11,27,511 (36.76%) 45 years plus citizens already administered their vaccine doses. He said that as per the instructions of the Prime Minister J&K has made preparations to launch universal adult vaccination drive from May 1.

Explaining further the measures taken by government it was said that during the previous day some 63,675 tests were performed at more than 1400 sites created for the purpose. He said that it includes 560 Health workers, 2760 front line workers and 60355 (45 years plus) senior citizens.