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JKPSC notifies shortlisting/rejection of candidature for the post of Assistant Professor

J&K Public Service Commission, vide Notification No.09. PSC (DR-P) of 2021 dated 03.09.2021, invited online applications from the applicants who are domiciled in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir for 06 posts (OM=03, RBA=01, SC-01 & ST-01) of Assistant Professor, in Higher Education Department.

In response, the Commission received 465 application forms; and, Whereas, Rule 45(i) of J&K Public Service Commission (Business and Procedure) Rules, 2021, as amended from time to time, provides that weightage to be given to the academic performance (to be worked out on prorata basis) for the post of Assistant Professor and its equivalent in Higher Education Department.

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