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Know how to make delicious Kashmiri dish ‘Nadru Yakhni’ and its magical health benefits

Last Updated on April 11, 2022 at 1:24 pm

Each Kashmiri cuisine signifies a celebration of life itself.  Kashmiri cuisine is evolved over the years and has many delicious recipes cooked in various cooking styles. One of such delicious dish which comes from beautiful Kashmir valley is ‘Nadru’.

Nadru or lotus stem—also known as lotus root is grown in shallow parts of water bodies like Dal Lake, Wular Llake, Mansar Lake, and ponds. The lotus stem although an expensive delicacy is much loved in Kashmir and is used in many Kashmiri dishes.

Know how to make this Kashmiri Style Nadru Yakhni:

First of all peel off the skin of lotus stem and slice into fine pieces. After washing well, carefully cook into pan but not to overcook it. Make a thick batter of curd, besan and water. Then in another pan, heat the ghee and add cumin seeds to it. Pour to batter into pan and boil it for around 10 minutes. Add the cooked lotus stem and spices and cook for another five minutes. In another pan melt remaining ghee and add cumin seeds and stir for few seconds. Then add cinnamon, cloves and cardamom, bay leaves and fry until aromatic. Sprinkle asafoetida on Kashmiri Style Lotus Stem in Yogurt Sauce and turn off flame. Pour this into the yogurt gravy, stir well. You can garnish Nandru Yakhni Recipe with some dried mint as well.

This dish just not only tastes good but has magical health benefits as well. Few of them are:

  1. Lotus leaves have been used in various ayurvedic practices and lotus leaves being a good vasodilator, they can lower high blood pressure considerably.
  2. It is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and is also rich source of dietary fibre, nutrients and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin E, potassium, thiamin, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese and pantothenic acid.
  3. It is known to be a fat-free vegetable, also reduces the risk of heart diseases and strokes.
  4.  It has vitamin B complex and pyridoxine in it, Nadru is helps in reducing stress considerably.
  5. Lotus stem or your Nadru is rich source of calcium which influences the bone strength and bone density in our body.