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Modern gadgets to detect infiltration by drones from Jammu border

With the rising increase in threats on the border it is important for Indian Army to equip with modern technology and gadgets. Along the Line of Control (LoC) in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir the Indian Army has been equipped with modern gadgets. After the drone attack on Air Force Station in Jammu, the Indian Army is on high alert.

Reportedly, the Army has also enhanced vigil along the LoC to combat the infiltration attempts in coming winters. The Army is keeping strict surveillance at the LoC to keep a check on the activities. Also the Army has upgraded the strategy and criteria to tackle drone movements and also to combat infiltration attempts.

Launching pads which are based on the other side of the LoC in Poonch sector, Pakistan is trying to to infiltrate Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) militants into Indian side.

Poonch sector in Jammu is crucial because the Chinkut area in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir across the border has biggest launching pads which are a cause of concern as the terrorists are motivated to infiltrate inside the Indian Territory in training camps.

Attempts of infiltration can increase before the fresh snowfall but Indian Army is ready to defeat the enemy and their evil plans.

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